
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Babies


When we finally started getting serious winter weather this year, Z needed an industrial-strength warm hat--one with earflaps and a chin strap. She'd already outgrown the wool hat I knit for her, so my mom bought the below cute RTW purple polar fleece hat with a velcro strap (shown below with her Zadie)...

With Zadie in her purple hat

... and copied it in about five minutes, first in green (shown with some simple no-thumb baby mittens I knit for her)...

Green Baby Hat &  Cream Baby Mittens

... and then in Santa-style colors, with an elongated crown (shown with an kimono-style top my mother sewed, think it's McCall's M4280 but don't quote me on that)...


And when a friend of mine who wasn't expecting her baby girl until New Year's Eve had her little cutie just in time for this Christmas, my mom made a newborn-sized version with a matching red diaper. Which I forgot to photograph before mailing to said friend. But I hope it fits!


  1. She is SO adorable. Her smile in the last photo is the cutest.

  2. Awww! She's sooooo sweet! Lovely of your mum to make those cute hats - so cosy!

  3. Wow! Your mom did a great job! I would love to be that resourceful!

  4. How nice that you're part of a multi-generational necklace of sewistas! Your ultra-adorable baby Z is sure to follow in your footsteps - eventually! Happy Holidays!


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