
Saturday, January 14, 2012

In Passionate Defense of Orange

Super duper thing-linked photo shoot of a small selection of the orange clothing items I hold near and dear

Orange orange orange. I love orange. I love my orange dresses, my orange shoes, my orange sweatshirt, my orange necklaces and my orange scarf. If I had orange socks and orange boots and orange hats and orange bras, I would love them too (hmmm...).

I love the orange sweater that I knit for my daughter...

Orange & Blue Baby Surprise Jacket -- Front

... and the orange sweater and hat that my Aunt Becky knit for her too.

"Maine Doggies" Orange Baby Sweater & Hat

And the yellow, brown and ORANGE dress I made for her:

Z's Orange Tea Party dress

And the orange newborn dress from her Nana she barely fit into for a week:

The Baby Z Adventures, Episode 2!

And I REALLY miss the orange and white cats I had as a kid--Ozma and Hecuba--and my sickly little orange and white cat Riley:

Jazz-playing turtleneck-wearing kitty

You guys, I love orange so much I even married an Orange man. (That's right--Masheka went to Syracuse).

I will wear orange no matter what the season, and no matter what the trends, whether it is hot, not, or totally over and out. In fact, I have all this lovely orange cotton stretch sateen I got from Fabric-Mart a while back at $1/yard...


And I'm so going to make a bright orange shirt dress with it!

And I haven't even mentioned home decor--I've got an orange bathroom, orange towels, an orange Le Creuset dutch oven and orange bowls and plates and serving dishes and Z has an orange water bottle and orange blocks and ... But I digress.

In sum, orange--whether bright, burnt, subdued, or neon--is beautiful, transcendent and fabulous. (Just ask Clio).

Whatever a CERTAIN one of my FAVORITE sewing bloggers and some cruel commenters might imply. (For shame, Male Pattern Boldness! What could be bolder than orange? Isn't there orange in your blog header photo?!)

P.S. Like Clio, I was in the process of knitting orange socks when I read Peter's anti-orange attack. Unfortunately, they got destroyed in the aftermath of my little photo shoot...



  1. Ooh, I love all of your orangey goodness!! One of my favourite colour combinations is orange and hot pink - delish!

  2. If not my fave, orange is def in the top 3 colours for me. I love your defense!

  3. I'm now convinced I need more orange in my life!

  4. Love this defense! Orange really is fabulous. Especially when paired with blue.

  5. LOL - I have been feeling the urge to defend orange myself! I bought the same orange sateen from Fabric Mart and plan to cut into it tonight for a pair of Colette Clover pants.

  6. I love orange too, but there are only a couple shades my skin color can tolerate before I look like I need to go to the doctor :) And Tennessee VOLS orange - yuck!

    Love that first picture with all your orange goodies! And baby Z is KILLING me with her cuteness!

  7. I'm even partial to orange food... mangoes, oranges, peaches, pumpkin, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, cheetos... LOL Orange is the best!

  8. I'm with you. I love orange! Especially on children - I sewed up some crazy blaze orange butt pants just recently! Because it's important that a newborn's behind be visible from a great distance.

  9. OMG. I think we are destined to be besties. Orange is AMAZING.


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