
Monday, May 20, 2013

Hello, Hummingbird (Cake Patterns peplum knit top, #0289)

Hummingbird knit top by Cake Patterns in polka dots by Polka Dot Overload

Instant peplum gratification—this little Hummingbird took maybe me two hours to sew up, INCLUDING basting it together first to check fit!

A properly fitting peplum (seam snug at the waist, skirt at the right length and proportion) is a thing of wonder. It can suggest an hourglass figure, or accentuate one that already exists. Even better if it's in a forgiving, comfortable knit and can be whipped up in a single evening for a quick sewing high!

Me Made May 19: A Little Hummingbird Told Me

My mother has actual live hummingbirds in her yard, but try as I might I could not get one to land on me for my photos!

The pattern: Cake Patterns Hummingbird Peplum Top and Straight Skirt 0289. It's shipping this week, in case you're wondering! (Full disclosure: I'm the envelope illustrator for Cake Patterns and I designed the envelope and instructions along with my husband ... but I only work with Steph because I love me some Cake, and I sewed this top on my own time!)

Pattern Description: Knit top with horseshoe-shaped neckline, cap- or elbow-length sleeves, and four-leaf-clover-shaped peplum with different length options and optional dickey and cuffs. (There's also a woven skirt which I haven't made yet). I made the top in View Green (cap sleeves, no dickey or cuffs).

Pattern Sizing: The top is sized for a 30-59 inch full bust, and is also customized by actual waist size and front waist length (to ensure the peplum sits exactly at the waist).

  • My full bust is 38.5", so I chose the full bust size 35, then selected my actual front waist (17") and waist (29") sizes. Thanks to this size magic, the bust and waist fit perfectly in front, no FBA needed!
  • For the peplum, I chose the 20s size (proportioned for waist sizes in the 20s range), which created a neat little peplum perfect for wear over skirts. I think next time I will make the slightly longer 30s range peplum, for extra length over jeans... though it works fine as is, too... here it is at work on Friday:

Me Made May 17: Hello, Hummingbird!

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Absolutely!

Were the instructions easy to follow? Again, rather surreal following along with my own illustrations (and Steph's instructions), but I find them quite clear and thorough if I do say so myself!

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? My favorite part is the unique little four-leaf-clover-shaped peplum drape (in both front and back).

IMG_4546_editedHummingbird knit top by Cake Patterns - side view

Fabric: Soft, light-weight black & white polka dot ITY jersey from Spandex House, leftover from making maternity tops some time back. Excellent stretch and recovery, and it drapes nicely for the peplum (which I did not hem, as this fabric is not prone to fraying).

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: Zip. Nope. None. A first for me, really!

Hummingbird knit top by Cake Patterns - back view

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Oh yes and yes! I'm going to make my next version in true Hummingbird colors, I'm starting to get bored with all my monochromatic sewing I've been doing lately... this is a rayon-lycra knit I got at Mood last weekend:

Hummingbird-esque rayon/lycra knit large print

Wear for: Everything all the time. Dress it up with a pencil skirt (like the matching Hummingbird skirt I'm working on now!), dress it down with some jeans. Also good for hanging out with bubble-blowing toddlers:

Hummingbird knit top by Cake Patterns

A final thought: You know, I was looking again at the tagline for Cake and it occurred to me why I jumped on board so enthusiastically when Steph approached me about working on the art and design. "Sewable wearable basics for busy women—always with pockets." (What she doesn't need to say there is that Cake Patterns are fun, vintage-inspired and figure-flattering, too!)

Well, that busy woman is me—I sewed this top after a long day of work, followed by a long evening of trying to get my toddler to do all her medical treatments and finally go to sleep ... I didn't start sewing til past 10, so didn't finish til past midnight. But the satisfaction of being able to wear it to work in the morning was so worth it!

P.S. For those of you who bought the pattern during the presale or since, and are wondering when you'll get your itchy hands on it... it's shipping this week, in big pretty green, pink, orange, and blue envelopes!

P.P.S. I'm feeling seriously pleased with myself for already sewing two tops and refashioning a cardigan this month–so good to get back to my machine after my ridiculously long hiatus!!!

P.P.P.S. In case you're wondering why my photos look so much better than usual, I was visiting my mom in Massachusetts... so I borrowed her porch and her Canon Rebel camera! She's promised to let me hold onto it a few weeks more, too.


  1. *Love*!!!! I can hardly wait until this comes in the mail.

    Z's backview posing is too cute.

    1. I can't wait to see yours! Yes, she's a total ham. It's kind of ridiculous, really...

  2. This is adorable! It fits you so perfectly and is so flattering and cute! Great job!

  3. It looks great! I am so mad I messed up the neckline on mine, otherwise I'd be posting it too! :(

    1. Oh no, what happened to your neckline? I always go awry with necklines and knits, it's like my knit sewing Kryptonite, I am really happy that didn't happen to me this time.

    2. Ditto! It's always a bit of a crapshoot whether my knit necklines will work or not. This looks great on you, Mikhaela!

  4. Oooh! Must get this pattern!! I'm loving my Tiramisu. Like you say, sizing magic! I absolutely LOVE the way she's made these patterns totally customizable, with no stupid "this number symbolizes your worth" crap.

    1. Yeah, it's just about measuring. The front waist measurement is how you pick the length, which is why this didn't need an FBA!

  5. You look freakin' awesome in this! Honestly, you're the poster girl for this pattern. I may have to buy it and I'm not even in the market for another peplum or a swishy skirt. Good marketing! :-) Off to Etsy...

    1. Aw, thank you! You would look amazing in it, I know you would... it's totally your style.

  6. Beautiful top thanks for sharing. I cannot wait to visit Spandrx House in person because I love a good knit.

    1. That place is seriously over the top... last time I went there I came home with six different eye-searing fabrics for making mermaid costumes.

  7. Great looking top and I love how you describe the Cake patterns. I always have trouble with fit because I am busty maybe Cake patterns are the way to go.

    1. They are definitely especially friendly for busty gals, but I think they also work for a variety of figures... The Tiramisu for example has cup sizing for the bodice.

  8. You have the perfect figure for this, or should I say this top is perfect for your shape.

    1. Aw, thank you! It is totally my dream top, that is true. I love peplums but ones from the store never hit properly at my waist, they are always too high.

  9. Goodness, this looks like a great pattern! I especially like it with the skirt.

    1. Thank you, I think it will look even better with the pattern skirt, but most any pencil or straight skirt goes really well with a peplum!

  10. I love this one, Mikhaela, and I'm so pleased she went together so simply for you! :) Great photos, too, just love everything about your polka dot H-bird Green! :) :D

    1. It was fun to take photos somewhere other than the corner of my livingroom... will try to do more often though in NYC I always feel so exposed taking photos in a park, etc.

  11. Oh, and also wanted to say I looooooove that other print. It's delicious.

    1. Yeah, I binged and bought five different eye-searing knit prints that day... I need some bright color in my wardrobe!

  12. i am now convinced after seeing yours and hearing about the sizing options (im another full busted gal and am having trouble as a beginner sewist with the fba's fitting properly.)

    1. FBAs can be really tricky at first... it took me a while to get the hang of them, although I found Fit for Real People to be a huge help. It is such a relief to not need one with this pattern, though.

  13. I don't like the peplum style but this top really, really suits you.

    Also I do think you are looking so well lately, quite a different person really. I think it must be the improvement in your daughter's health issues has benefited both of you. I hope things continue to go well.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad to hear that comes across! It's a mix both of my daughter feeling better and me having had that life-changing sinus surgery to allow me to breathe through my nose and not being sick and miserable all the time...

  14. Wow, it looks gorgeous! I love the fabric and it fits you so beautifully, I cannot wait until the pattern ships!

  15. Oh, I love this top so much -- perfect fabric choice and great fit! No RTW or pattern peplum I've ever tried has been long enough without altering... High hopes. :)

  16. It looks fabulous on you!! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the pattern :D

  17. This is quite honestly the best fitting peplum top I've seen - probably ever - not that my opinion is worth much! We tend to wear what's in fashion and not what necessarily suits us but, this top is very good on you.

    1. Thank you! I try to ignore fashion as much as I can and focus on what I like from various eras, so I hope I won't look too out of it when I'm wearing peplums after the modern trend has passed. :)


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