
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Me-Made-May the 1st: Jalie and Georgina with Jeans (plus socks)

MMMay 1: Georgina cardi, Jalie scarf top & Waving Lace socks

I was somewhat tempted to throw on a me-made knit hat, cowl, and fingerless gloves to bring the total me-mades in this outfit from four to eight... but that's cheating, right?

I have precious few me-mades that currently fit, so expect to see all these pieces again. Again. And possibly again. Though I'll probably mostly do weekly roundups as seems to be usual Me-Made-May etiquette.

This outfit was easy, because I love all these pieces and wear them constantly. The scarf collar works well with the neckline of this cardigan, too.

I'm lucky to work in a casual-dress office where it's OK to wear whatever—jeans, T-shirts, nice dresses, blazers, etc. (Though a suit might look odd). But jeans are really the default daily uniform.

... oh, and I'm wearing me-made striped undies copied from RTW, but not going to show you on me (though they are shown flat in this blog post).

Observations so far on Me Made May:

  • Scrambling to photograph myself in the morning while getting Z ready for school is... challenging! I tried to get her to participate in the photo shoot, but she was not in the mood (and her cute Olive Juice dress isn't me-made, sadly, but a lovely second-hand gift from Lee of the Slow Steady):

    MMMay 1: Z is NOT into this
  • I need a pair of colorful flats—all I have are black or brown. I think colorful flats would have popped more, but I really struggle to find any that are actually supportive for lots of walking and not just flat and ouchy inside. Also, new shoes are not in the budget at the moment...

Hope your Me-Made-May is off to a fantastic start!

**Disclosure: Actions you take from the ready-to-wear hyperlinks within this blog post may yield commissions for (and quite likely spent on yarn or fabric).


  1. The top and the cardigan are perfect together...and Z getting so tall!

  2. Lovely outfit! The color of cardigan gives the outfit a pop of colour.

  3. I've been in love with Born flats. I have two pairs and they are so incredibly comfortable. I also wear a size ten so finding flats that don't make my feet look like boats can be tough.

    1. I like Borns as well though I think I only have one pair currently. And my feet are size 10 too, sometimes 11 depending on brand...!


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