
Thursday, April 30, 2015

SHB Sew-Along: Giveaways & Wrap-up (Comment by May 7!)

So I startled awake in a sleep-deprived haze this morning to realize "Oh, hey! Today is the last official day of the SHB Sew-Along!" (see here if you don't know what I'm talking about). The good news was: I did it! Somehow despite having a tiny baby and a four-year-old I managed to sew things. Lots of things, actually. OK, so I mostly had to sew in 15-minute chunks when baby was catnapping (or stay up too late and really deprive myself of sleep), but I still managed to finish four baby garments, a bib, two nursing tops and a baby carrier.

But I'll save a summary of all my makes for another post: this one is to share yours! Cindy of Cation Designs, Clio of Clio & Phineas and I have been following all the awesome, quirky, nerdy, pretty and/or cute things you all have been posting to the Flickr group, Instagram, Twitter and your blogs, and we are super glad you decided to sew along with us -- whether you were a new parent, pregnant, or sewing for friends and family.

And we have prizes for you!

Prize #1: a free copy of the adorable Oliver + S Lullaby Layette PDF pattern (random giveaway)

We have two copies of this cute and comfy layette set to give away, sized for babies and toddlers up to 24 months. At least one of you already made this during the sew-along--this romper with coordinating hat is from Laurel of Dart & Gather (who is too busy to blog these days, but still sews many lovely things):

NL6360 Hat & Oliver and S Layette Set

Prize #2: A year's subscription to Ottobre Design magazine (one chosen from each category)

We have three one-year subscriptions to Ottobre Design children and youth sewing pattern magazine to give away!

That's four thick issues packed with stylish patterns — from sweet and classic to modern and edgy — for babies, toddlers, and kids. All modeled in inspiring fabrics by adorable children. Cindy, Clio and I are going to put our heads together and pick a winner from each sew-along category (baby clothes, baby accessories/quilts/toys, stuff for parents/maternity/nursing). Please don't ask me what our exact criteria are, because we're too tired and covered in spit-up to know yet.

The rules

In order to enter both of these giveaways, please:

  1. Leave a comment on this post linking to one (or more) of your favorite makes for the Sew-Along (whether on Flickr, Instagram, or your blog/website), with your...
  2. Email address or other way to contact you should you win.
  3. Basic details of what pattern and materials you used (if not already mentioned on the Flickr page or blog post)...
  4. A bit about who you sewed the for (your 6-month-old baby, a pregnant friend, whoever!)...
  5. And how you managed to find the time/inspiration to sew at all!
  6. Deadline: May 7 at midnight (yes, we know it was an April sew-along, but we won't tell if you use an extra day or two to finish up your projects... I still have a half-finished nursing top and a few not-done baby bibs sitting next to my serger).

Once all the entries are in, give us tired mamas a few days to select and notify the winners, and post a roundup featuring your fantastic creations (spoiler alert: there will be lots of nerdy Lord of the Rings themed-items).

Baby D says: thanks for joining us! (shown here in a Basquiat bodyshirt I originally made for his big sister, on a polka-dot Peanuts quilt made for him by a friend):

Baby D enjoying a beautiful handmade gift from a quilter friend - a polka dot Peanuts quilt (we both used to work for the company that licensed Peanuts) . Little dude is wearing a #memade Basquiat onesie upcycled from his Daddy's T-shirt.


  1. Ok, here's the two projects I'm submitting!

    #1: Maternity/nursing maxidress, made for me. The pattern details are in the photo description.

    #2: Star Wars T-shirt, made for an approximately 9-month-old boy. Just hoping it actually fits him at that point, since I have no way of knowing right now. I used a slightly modified Simplicity 1330.

    My email is sunnyb64 at yahoo dot com. And finding sewing time wasn't too difficult for me, since I'm still pregnant, but I'm sure that will all change in about 6 weeks after I have this baby!

    Thanks to all three of you for hosting this sewalong--I really enjoyed it, and the timing couldn't have been more perfect for me!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting this sew a long! Really made me get my butt in gear and dust off (well not really but the first few pieces of fabric took care of that : ) my sewing machine after it's been dormant since maternity leave, i.e. 4 months that feels like 4 years!

    All of these are sewn for my 8 month old daughter Clara who will probably have outgrown the size 12M that I made by the time it's actually warm enough for her to wear them! And all were made from fabric in my stash - one of the best thing about sewing baby clothes is I finally have a use for all of those weird 1/4-1/2 yards of cut up fabric I've been moving around for years.

    I only managed to get so much done because Clara was sick for a few days and slept and slept and slept (5 hour naps??!!). Of course then I got sick but before I did I was quite productive!

    #1: Rabbit tee (details in photo description)

    #2: Oliver & S reversible bucket hat

    #3: Oliver & S Layette romper (modified)

    #4: NL6360 sunhat

    PS - So funny to look back at my blog! I always had grand intentions about going back and blogging about my wedding dress...maybe I'll start up again with all this free time I have now ; )

  3. I sewed for myself and my fourth child (due in three weeks!). I got a lot done thanks entirely to third trimester pregnancy insomnia. I was a zombie during the day but my sewing room was busy at midnight! In April I sewed three maternity tops and a skirt (blogged here, in addition to things made earlier: I also sewed and finished up a bunch of knit baby items (blogged here: I may yet whip out another maternity ensemble before May 7, as I have a cocktail party to attend on the 9th and nothing to wear. Stay tuned :) I've got a contact form on my blog.

    1. In just under the wire, two sleep bras and a nursing gown from the Sweet Blossom Lingerie pattern. and

  4. I'm so glad you guys did this sew along too! I am one of those people who can't get anything done without a deadline and this was a perfect excuse to get my butt in gear and make some kiddo costumes this year. (We've decided to try to be house-bound until the grub is old enough to get a measles shot, so no conventions for us this year. Which is fine except that it also means I no longer have any deadlines so no new costumes has gotten made. LOL)

    Ok so I'm submitting a baby costume for my 9 month old. I also made one for the 2.5 year old so we got a matching set:

    I sew at night after the kiddos are in bed and I have a very very understanding husband who knows to get out of my way when I have deadlines looming. LOL

    1. I just realized that I should have been specific as to which baby was mine: the flail-y one in blue is mine. LOL

  5. Hi! Here is the link to my blogpost I made a ragdolls for my nearly one year old son's birthday (phew, just scraped into the age limit!). It was a bit of a rush job, to be hones, but I'm pleased with the results. Sewing was done during nap time (when his older brother was at nursery) and in the evening.

    I should say, I'm not interested in the layette set, as my kids are now too old for it, and it don't plan on any more. So, if you are pulling names out of a hat, and you pull me for that, please redraw. I'd rather it went to someone who would use it. However, I'd love to win the Ottobre magazine. I've heard great things about that!! Thanks for the inspiration to sew for my wee one!!! X

  6. Thank you for hosting this! It couldn't have come at a better time - right as I was beginning my 2nd trimester and getting some much-missed energy back after a rough first trimester! It was so nice to have projects to focus on during quiet weekend mornings.

    I managed to finish 2 items - 1 for baby, 1 for me!

    For Baby: Kwik Sew 3127 in a cuddly off-white fleece left over from another project. The hoodie comes complete with ears on the hood. Can't wait to dress him or her up in this outfit!

    For me: Burda magazine 8/2011 #116 . A cowl neck dresses in a gorgeous blue, thick, stretch fabric aquired from a friend (likely a synthetic based on how my iron reacted). It wasn't a maternity pattern, but the reviews said it looked that way. I think they're right. I'll grow into it!

    Congratulations to everyone for some beautiful items!

    If I luck out, you can reach me at harmony758b at aol dot com

  7. Trying again because I'm not sure my first one went through.

    I have a paper copy of the layette pattern that I'd be happy to donate as a prize; with twins who are in a strong handmedown train, I'm probably not going to sew basics.

    Links: (Ergo strap covers) and (Ergo strap covers and a nursing nightgown)

    Twitter is probably the easiest way to reach me: @lanamfacio

    These were on behalf of my twins, who are almost ten months old now.

    I sewed the covers during naps, when my husband took them for walks, and in other little snippets of time. I started the prep work for the nightdress before they were born and still need to trim the extra threads on it.

  8. This has been a great sewalong, thank you for hosting! I didn't make nearly as much as I had intended to, but I am very pleased with the two Ultimate Baby Bibs that I made (link to my blog post: I made these out of some PUL that I had in my stash and Babyville snaps (originally, I had thought I would make diaper covers, but I lost interest in that endeavor). I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and made these for my little baby boy, who I am eagerly expecting in August! Two weeks into the month of April, I decided to start the HUGE project of converting my craft room into the nursery, so I really only had time to make this one thing before my craft room deteriorated into utter chaos. My email is jennifer(dot)thompson(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. Thanks for hosting!!
    I made harem leggings for my baby due in July (although they won't fit right away!), and I made a bunch of nursing pads for me:

    I made the leggings from a brown knit with hearts on it from girl charlee (leftover from a cowl Renfrew for myself! - it's better suited to the leggings anyway- a bit too stable for the cowl but i wear it a ton anyway)
    I used this pattern, which i think i found from the sewalong pinterest board - thanks for the inspiration!

    For the nursing pads i used megan nielsen's tutorial and cotton flannel from JoAnn.

    you can contact me via instagram.

  10. I made for my (yet to be born) baby girl a baby elven dress. (Although its modelled by her almost 13 month old sister in the pictures)

    I made for myself/accessories category, a Gondor Ranger themed Mei Tai carrier.
    I found inspiration from this whole SHBsewalong, and knowing there were other LOTR nerds out there who would enjoy looking at the things I really gave me a sense of camraderie and got me to actually sew the things that I've been thinking about for months.

    Time: with 3 kids under the age of 4, and being pretty pregnant with the baby that I'm actually making these things for (thus, needing sleep), I found with this sewalong how to get sewing time in: firstly, to sew in little chunks of time (15ish-25ish minutes) during their snack times or when they're in quiet play, the key being always being willing to walk away in a second when the kiddos were unhappy. This meant that I had less negative feelings about sewing, and the kids were happier, and I was happier (and less frustrated) and.
    Also, exchanging my 1 hour or so after the kids go down that I used to spend on pinterest/internet, for sewing time instead. I would have "sewing days" which were no internet days.

    Adding up these chunks of time, I think I got in 20 hours of sewing done this month, never more than 2 hours a day, no sewing on some days, and a lot of days, little 15 minute chunks. But the kids were happier, and I was happier, and there was a lot less frustrating :)

    And I actually got things done!! :) I loved this sewalong, it really gave me the push to do this.

    I drafted/traced off of onesies for most of the patterns, although I did use the Little leggings pattern for the ranger outfit.

    The best way to contact me is just to leave a comment on my blog

    1. Oh, um, I should add in those 20 hours of sewing time this month, I made a lot of elven dresses/tunics for toddlers that dont' count in the SHBsewalong, as they are too big.
      But as far as efficiency goes, I got a lot of stuff done for my 20 hours :)
      (the baby elven dress alone probably took around 3 hours, and the mei tai carrier alone probably took 8ish as it was the first time I ever made a mei tai carrier)

  11. Thanks for all the sewing for small humans inspiration! I made two hoodies for the future baby boy of close, much missed friends. He's due in August. I used Brindille and Twig's free pattern and fabric scraps from other projects, which was very satisfying.
    My daughter's an independent third-grader now, so I actually have time to sew. I'm lucky to have a dedicated space for sewing off the kitchen. I leave everything set-up and organized for the next step so I can make progress even if I only have short chunks of time.

  12. Who can say no to SHM sewing? It's all so adorable!

    I made a bib for my bridesmaid's 5 month new baby using the base pattern from NanaCompany's free bib pattern.

    I made her a super absorbent one in anticipation of high drool production:

    With an appliqué ow for cheerl:

    I'm not that fast with hand sewing, so it took a good couple of hours to do the owl. The inspiration was a combination of knowing I'd meet her new baby at the wedding and wathing to have something a little special for her, and an absolute desperate need to do something OTHER than wedding planning, for sanity's sake. So thanks for having a contest, it feels good to make something for someone else. :)

    Best way to reach me would be at cheungd at gmail dot com.

  13. This was a great sew-along, but I wish it would last a few more months. April just said hi and closed the door right after itself. Not sure where the month went....

    For some reason it was much easier for me to sew when my daughter was 2 months old, then now that she's 7 months old.

    Here are my 2 makes (can't currently login to my blog admin, so the blog may follow later):

    - Bibs: Much needed, since we've been trying lots of different solids! I think I'll need to make a couple more soon. The hardest part is choosing the cutest fabrics but knowing they'll get stained, hehe :). I used 2 layers of cotton fabric with a layer of craft batting in between.

    - Diaper super tote (pattern: Noodlehead's Super Tote). Finished this last week, but needed to get a seam roll to properly press it. Materials: Kaufman Essex Linen, quilting cotton, various thicknesses of interfacing, elastic and a key swivel.

    Hopefully I can get my blog fixed and post more pics tomorrow:
    My contact address is in my profile <---

    It was much harder to find time, then before, although in general after baby and household, there is not much energy and time left. My daughter is currently teething (3rd teeth coming in this month), so she was very clingy, not allowing me much time at all. Luckily she's a very good night sleeper, so that helps a bit, although usually I'm too exhausted to do anything!

  14. April definitely left me in the dust! But actually, looking back, I got a lot of sewing done. Baby's naps are getting longer and more predictable all the time (he's almost 8 months now), but I'm still struggling with planning my sewing (and anything else!) I'm still waiting to pregnancy brain to go away, maybe?

    I made:

    2 carriers - one mei tai and one peapod hip carry buckle thing. In the autumn the kid !hated! being in a carrier, and then during the terrible winter we only very occasionally left the house in the car, so I was surprised how much he seems to like these carriers, which I made thinking they might be good gifts down the line, and just for kicks. and

    a bib - I actually made one of these as a gift, and then felt silly not making one for my own kid, since I had so much laminated cotton left over. His grandmother made a zillion basic cotton bibs that we use at home and stick straight in the wash, but this wipes off easily in a restroom, so it lives in the diaper bag.

    a diaper clutch - again, I had more laminated cotton and enjoyed following some straightforward instructions, and have gotten more use out of it than I expected! We mostly use cloth diapers at home, but have given up a bit when we're out, especially now that he doesn't need changing every 30 minutes, a few disposables pack so much lighter.

    pants with attached socks - these are pretty meh. I suppose I might try and redo it, they're both too long and a bit too narrow around the legs, but we found some gap pants that work better, and with warmer weather pants are less critical. Oh well.

  15. Eek, I hope I'm not too late!! It's still May 7th here in San Francisco...

    This is a baby quilt made for a good friend who is about to have her very first baby - a little boy! Apologies for the poor quality pic; I just finished it in the nick of time and didn't have time for an elaborate photo shoot!

    It's a very simple quilt - 10" squares with fussy-cut centers for each. I had a super fun time picking out the fabric - all quilting cottons. I then did vertical quilting lines at 2" intervals, as well as some in-the-ditch quilting along the horizontal seams for stability.

    Since I still don't have kids, I can find time to sew! Though I'm sure that will change eventually...

    Thanks for hosting this sew-along - I definitely wouldn't have gotten this done before the baby is born (due early June) without it!!

    (my email is titaniaem [at] gmail [dot] com)


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