
Favorite Products & Services

Below are some of the products and services I love and recommend, for sewing, knitting and many other things. A work in progress

Sewing and Knitting Books

For Sewing:

For Making (A Little) Money from Blogging:

For Saving Money and Frugal Living:

  • YNAB, aka You Need a Budget ($6 off coupon code referral here). Life-changing software and free classes that lets you shave little bits off of all sorts of budget categories (to you know, make some room for fabric and yarn.)
  • ThredUp, online consignment store. Awesome second-hand clothes in great condition at great prices and FREE RETURNS. ($10 off referral code here — you get $10, I get $10).
  • Ting prepaid cell phone service — my husband and I were paying $90/month combined for Verizon's cheapest plan with two flip-phones... and now we've got two (used) Android Smartphones and pay $39/month combined. ($25 off coupon code referral here and blog post here).

For Using Your Computer and Smartphone Hands-Free (especially good for RSI and carpal tunnel sufferers like me):

**Disclosure: Actions you take from the ready-to-wear hyperlinks on this site may yield commissions for (quite likely spent on yarn or fabric for me to write about ... yum!).

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